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User score filter

UserScoreFilter #

    lower_bound: float = 0.0, upper_bound: float = 1.0

Bases: RapidataFilter

UserScoreFilter Class

Can be used to filter who to target based on their user score.

example: UserScoreFilter(0.5, 0.9) -> will only show the order to users that have a UserScore of >=0.5 and <=0.9


Name Type Description Default
lower_bound float

The lower bound of the user score.

upper_bound float

The upper bound of the user score.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/filter/
def __init__(self, lower_bound: float = 0.0, upper_bound: float = 1.0):
    if lower_bound < 0 or lower_bound > 1:
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be between 0 and 1.")
    if upper_bound < 0 or upper_bound > 1:
        raise ValueError("The upper bound must be between 0 and 1.")
    if lower_bound >= upper_bound:
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.")

    self.upper_bound = upper_bound
    self.lower_bound = lower_bound