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Rapidata order

RapidataOrder #

    name: str,
    order_id: str,
    openapi_service: OpenAPIService,
    dataset: Optional[RapidataDataset] = None,

An instance of a Rapidata order.

Used to interact with a specific order in the Rapidata system. Such as starting, pausing, and getting the results of the order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

order_id str

The ID of the order.

openapi_service OpenAPIService

The OpenAPIService instance used to interact with the Rapidata API.

dataset Optional[RapidataDataset]

The optional Dataset associated with the order.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def __init__(
    name: str,
    order_id: str,
    openapi_service: OpenAPIService,
    dataset: Optional[RapidataDataset]=None,
    self.order_id = order_id = name
    self.__openapi_service = openapi_service
    self.__dataset = dataset
    self.__workflow_id = None

dataset property #

dataset: RapidataDataset | None

The dataset associated with the order. Returns: The RapidataDataset instance.

run #

run(print_link: bool = True)

Runs the order for to start collecting votes.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def run(self, print_link: bool=True):
    Runs the order for to start collecting votes.

    if print_link:
        print(f"Order '{}' is now viewable under: https://app.{self.__openapi_service.enviroment}/order/detail/{self.order_id}")

    return self

pause #


Pauses the order.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def pause(self):
    Pauses the order.
    print(f"Order '{self}' has been paused.")

unpause #


Unpauses/resume the order.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def unpause(self):
    Unpauses/resume the order.
    print(f"Order '{self}' has been unpaused.")

get_status #

get_status() -> str

Gets the status of the order.


Type Description

The status of the order.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def get_status(self) -> str:
    Gets the status of the order.

        The status of the order.
    return self.__openapi_service.order_api.order_get_by_id_get(self.order_id).state

display_progress_bar #

display_progress_bar(refresh_rate: int = 5)

Displays a progress bar for the order processing using tqdm.


Name Type Description Default
refresh_rate int

How often to refresh the progress bar, in seconds.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def display_progress_bar(self, refresh_rate: int=5):
    Displays a progress bar for the order processing using tqdm.

        refresh_rate: How often to refresh the progress bar, in seconds.
    if refresh_rate < 1:
        raise ValueError("refresh_rate must be at least 1")

    if self.get_status() == OrderState.CREATED:
        raise Exception("Order has not been started yet. Please start it first.")

    while self.get_status() == OrderState.SUBMITTED:
        print(f"Order '{}' is submitted and being reviewed. standby...", end="\r")

    if self.get_status() == OrderState.MANUALREVIEW:
        raise Exception(f"Order '{}' is in manual review. It might take some time to start. To speed up the process, please contact support (\
                        \nOnce the order has started, you can run this method again to display the progress bar.")

    with tqdm(total=100, desc="Processing order", unit="%", bar_format="{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| completed [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]") as pbar:
        last_percentage = 0
        while True:
            current_percentage = self.__get_workflow_progress().completion_percentage
            if current_percentage > last_percentage:
                pbar.update(current_percentage - last_percentage)
                last_percentage = current_percentage

            if current_percentage >= 100:


get_results #

get_results() -> dict[str, Any]

Gets the results of the order. If the order is still processing, this method will block until the order is completed and then return the results.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

The results of the order.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def get_results(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Gets the results of the order. 
    If the order is still processing, this method will block until the order is completed and then return the results.

        The results of the order.
    while self.get_status() not in [OrderState.COMPLETED, OrderState.PAUSED, OrderState.MANUALREVIEW, OrderState.FAILED]:

        # Get the raw result string
        return self.__openapi_service.order_api.order_get_order_results_get(id=self.order_id) # type: ignore

    except ApiException as e:
        # Handle API exceptions
        raise Exception(f"Failed to get order results: {str(e)}") from e
    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
        # Handle JSON parsing errors
        raise Exception(f"Failed to parse order results: {str(e)}") from e