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Validation set manager

ValidationSetManager #

ValidationSetManager(openapi_service: OpenAPIService)

Responsible for everything related to validation sets. From creation to retrieval.


Name Type Description
rapid RapidsManager

The RapidsManager instance.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def __init__(self, openapi_service: OpenAPIService) -> None:
    self.__openapi_service = openapi_service
    self.rapid = RapidsManager()

create_classification_set #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    answer_options: list[str],
    datapoints: list[str],
    truths: list[list[str]],
    data_type: str = MEDIA,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a classification validation set.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction by which the labeler will answer.

answer_options list[str]

The options to choose from when answering.

datapoints list[str]

The datapoints that will be used for validation.

truths list[list[str]]

The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.

example: options: ["yes", "no", "maybe"] datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"] truths: [["yes"], ["no", "maybe"]] -> first datapoint correct answer is "yes", second datapoint is "no" or "maybe"

data_type str

The type of data. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").

contexts list[str]

The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and answer options. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_classification_set(self,
    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    answer_options: list[str],
    datapoints: list[str],
    truths: list[list[str]],
    data_type: str = RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a classification validation set.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction by which the labeler will answer.
        answer_options (list[str]): The options to choose from when answering.
        datapoints (list[str]): The datapoints that will be used for validation.
        truths (list[list[str]]): The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.\n
                options: ["yes", "no", "maybe"]
                datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"]
                truths: [["yes"], ["no", "maybe"]] -> first datapoint correct answer is "yes", second datapoint is "no" or "maybe"
        data_type (str, optional): The type of data. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").
        contexts (list[str], optional): The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and answer options. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    if len(datapoints) != len(truths):
        raise ValueError("The number of datapoints and truths must be equal")
    if contexts and len(contexts) != len(datapoints):
        raise ValueError("The number of contexts and datapoints must be equal")

    rapids = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)):
                metadata=[PromptMetadata(contexts[i])] if contexts else []

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

create_compare_set #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[list[str]],
    truths: list[str],
    data_type: str = MEDIA,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a comparison validation set.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction to compare against.

truths list[str]

The truths for each comparison. List is for each comparison.

example: instruction: "Which image has a cat?" datapoints = [["image1.jpg", "image2.jpg"], ["image3.jpg", "image4.jpg"]] truths: ["image1.jpg", "image4.jpg"] -> first comparison image1.jpg has a cat, second comparison image4.jpg has a cat

datapoints list[list[str]]

The compare datapoints to create the validation set with. Outer list is for each comparison, inner list the two images/texts that will be compared.

data_type str

The type of data. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").

contexts list[str]

The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and truth. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_compare_set(self,
    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[list[str]],
    truths: list[str],
    data_type: str = RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a comparison validation set.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction to compare against.
        truths (list[str]): The truths for each comparison. List is for each comparison.\n
                instruction: "Which image has a cat?"
                datapoints = [["image1.jpg", "image2.jpg"], ["image3.jpg", "image4.jpg"]]
                truths: ["image1.jpg", "image4.jpg"] -> first comparison image1.jpg has a cat, second comparison image4.jpg has a cat
        datapoints (list[list[str]]): The compare datapoints to create the validation set with. 
            Outer list is for each comparison, inner list the two images/texts that will be compared.
        data_type (str, optional): The type of data. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").
        contexts (list[str], optional): The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and truth. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    if len(datapoints) != len(truths):
        raise ValueError("The number of datapoints and truths must be equal")

    if contexts and len(contexts) != len(datapoints):
        raise ValueError("The number of contexts and datapoints must be equal")

    rapids = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)):
                metadata=[PromptMetadata(contexts[i])] if contexts else []

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

create_select_words_set #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[int]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    sentences: list[str],
    strict_grading: bool = True,
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a select words validation set.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction to show to the labeler.

truths list[list[int]]

The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.

example: datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"] sentences: ["this example 1", "this example 2"] truths: [[0, 1], [2]] -> first datapoint correct words are "this" and "example", second datapoint is "2"

datapoints list[str]

The datapoints that will be used for validation.

sentences list[str]

The sentences that will be used for validation. The sentece will be split up by spaces to be selected by the labeler. Must be the same length as datapoints.

strict_grading bool

Whether to grade strictly. Defaults to True.

If True, the labeler must select all correct words to be graded as correct. (and no wrong words) If False, the labeler must select at least one correct word to be graded as correct. (and no wrong words)

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_select_words_set(self,
    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[int]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    sentences: list[str],
    strict_grading: bool = True,
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a select words validation set.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction to show to the labeler.
        truths (list[list[int]]): The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.\n
                datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"]
                sentences: ["this example 1", "this example 2"]
                truths: [[0, 1], [2]] -> first datapoint correct words are "this" and "example", second datapoint is "2"
        datapoints (list[str]): The datapoints that will be used for validation.
        sentences (list[str]): The sentences that will be used for validation. The sentece will be split up by spaces to be selected by the labeler.
            Must be the same length as datapoints.
        strict_grading (bool, optional): Whether to grade strictly. Defaults to True.\n
            If True, the labeler must select all correct words to be graded as correct. (and no wrong words)
            If False, the labeler must select at least one correct word to be graded as correct. (and no wrong words)
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    if len(datapoints) != len(truths) or len(datapoints) != len(sentences):
        raise ValueError("The number of datapoints, truths, and sentences must be equal")

    rapids = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)):

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

create_locate_set #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[Box]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a locate validation set.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction to show to the labeler.

truths list[list[Box]]

The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.

example: datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"] truths: [[Box(0, 0, 100, 100)], [Box(50, 50, 150, 150)]] -> first datapoint the object is in the top left corner, second datapoint the object is in the center

datapoints list[str]

The datapoints that will be used for validation.

contexts list[str]

The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_locate_set(self,
    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[Box]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a locate validation set.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction to show to the labeler.
        truths (list[list[Box]]): The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.\n
                datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"]
                truths: [[Box(0, 0, 100, 100)], [Box(50, 50, 150, 150)]] -> first datapoint the object is in the top left corner, second datapoint the object is in the center
        datapoints (list[str]): The datapoints that will be used for validation.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    if len(datapoints) != len(truths):
        raise ValueError("The number of datapoints and truths must be equal")

    if contexts and len(contexts) != len(datapoints):
        raise ValueError("The number of contexts and datapoints must be equal")

    rapids = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)):
                metadata=[PromptMetadata(contexts[i])] if contexts else []

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

create_draw_set #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[Box]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a draw validation set.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction to show to the labeler.

truths list[list[Box]]

The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.

example: datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"] truths: [[Box(0, 0, 100, 100)], [Box(50, 50, 150, 150)]] -> first datapoint the object is in the top left corner, second datapoint the object is in the center

datapoints list[str]

The datapoints that will be used for validation.

contexts list[str]

The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_draw_set(self,
    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    truths: list[list[Box]],
    datapoints: list[str],
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a draw validation set.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction to show to the labeler.
        truths (list[list[Box]]): The truths for each datapoint. Outher list is for each datapoint, inner list is for each truth.\n
                datapoints: ["datapoint1", "datapoint2"]
                truths: [[Box(0, 0, 100, 100)], [Box(50, 50, 150, 150)]] -> first datapoint the object is in the top left corner, second datapoint the object is in the center
        datapoints (list[str]): The datapoints that will be used for validation.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The contexts for each datapoint. Defaults to None.
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    if len(datapoints) != len(truths):
        raise ValueError("The number of datapoints and truths must be equal")

    if contexts and len(contexts) != len(datapoints):
        raise ValueError("The number of contexts and datapoints must be equal")

    rapids = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)):
                metadata=[PromptMetadata(contexts[i])] if contexts else []

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

create_mixed_set #

    name: str,
    rapids: Sequence[Rapid],
    print_confirmation: bool = True,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Create a validation set with a list of rapids.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)

rapids Sequence[Rapid]

The list of rapids to add to the validation set.

print_confirmation bool

Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def create_mixed_set(self,
    name: str,
    rapids: Sequence[Rapid],
    print_confirmation: bool = True
) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Create a validation set with a list of rapids.

        name (str): The name of the validation set. (will not be shown to the labeler)
        rapids (Sequence[Rapid]): The list of rapids to add to the validation set.
        print_confirmation (bool, optional): Whether to print a confirmation message that validation set has been created. Defaults to True.

    validation_set_builder = ValidationSetBuilder(name, self.__openapi_service)
    for rapid in rapids:

    return validation_set_builder._submit(print_confirmation)

get_validation_set_by_id #

    validation_set_id: str,
) -> RapidataValidationSet

Get a validation set by ID.


Name Type Description Default
validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set.



Name Type Description
RapidataValidationSet RapidataValidationSet

The ValidationSet instance.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def get_validation_set_by_id(self, validation_set_id: str) -> RapidataValidationSet:
    """Get a validation set by ID.

        validation_set_id (str): The ID of the validation set.

        RapidataValidationSet: The ValidationSet instance.
        validation_set = self.__openapi_service.validation_api.validation_get_by_id_get(id=validation_set_id)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(f"ValidationSet with ID {validation_set_id} not found.")

    return RapidataValidationSet(validation_set_id, self.__openapi_service,

find_validation_sets #

    name: str = "", amount: int = 1
) -> list[RapidataValidationSet]

Find validation sets by name.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name to search for. Defaults to "" to match with any set.

amount int

The amount of validation sets to return. Defaults to 1.



Type Description

list[RapidataValidationSet]: The list of validation sets.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/validation/
def find_validation_sets(self, name: str = "", amount: int = 1) -> list[RapidataValidationSet]:
    """Find validation sets by name.

        name (str, optional): The name to search for. Defaults to "" to match with any set.
        amount (int, optional): The amount of validation sets to return. Defaults to 1.

        list[RapidataValidationSet]: The list of validation sets.
        validation_page_result = self.__openapi_service.validation_api.validation_query_validation_sets_get(QueryValidationSetModel(
            pageInfo=PageInfo(index=1, size=amount),
            filter=RootFilter(filters=[Filter(field="Name", operator="Contains", value=name)]),
            sortCriteria=[SortCriterion(direction="Desc", propertyName="CreatedAt")]

    except BadRequestException as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Error occured during request. \nError: {e.body} \nTraceid: {e.headers.get('X-Trace-Id') if isinstance(e.headers, HTTPHeaderDict) else 'Unknown'}")

    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown error occured: {e}")

    validation_sets = [self.get_validation_set_by_id( for validation_set in validation_page_result.items]
    return validation_sets