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Rapidata order manager

RapidataOrderManager #

RapidataOrderManager(openapi_service: OpenAPIService)

Handels everything regarding the orders from creation to retrieval.


Name Type Description
filters RapidataFilters

The RapidataFilters instance.

settings RapidataSettings

The RapidataSettings instance.

selections RapidataSelections

The RapidataSelections instance.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def __init__(self, openapi_service: OpenAPIService):
    self._openapi_service = openapi_service
    self.filters = RapidataFilters
    self.settings = RapidataSettings
    self.selections = RapidataSelections
    self.__priority = 50

create_classification_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    answer_options: list[str],
    datapoints: list[str],
    data_type: str = MEDIA,
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    confidence_threshold: float | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a classification order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order. (Will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction for how the data should be classified.

answer_options list[str]

The list of options for the classification.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the classification - each datapoint will be labeled.

data_type str

The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA.

Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

contexts list[str]

The list of contexts for the classification. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and options. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.

confidence_threshold float

The probability threshold for the classification. Defaults to None.

If provided, the classification datapoint will stop after the threshold is reached or at the number of responses, whatever happens first.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the classification. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the classification. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the classification. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_classification_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        answer_options: list[str],
        datapoints: list[str],
        data_type: str = RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA,
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        contexts: list[str] | None = None,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        confidence_threshold: float | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a classification order.

        name (str): The name of the order. (Will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction for how the data should be classified.
        answer_options (list[str]): The list of options for the classification.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the classification - each datapoint will be labeled.
        data_type (str, optional): The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. \n
            Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The list of contexts for the classification. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction and options. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.
        confidence_threshold (float, optional): The probability threshold for the classification. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, the classification datapoint will stop after the threshold is reached or at the number of responses, whatever happens first.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the classification. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the classification. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the classification. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    if data_type == RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA:
        assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]
    elif data_type == RapidataDataTypes.TEXT:
        assets = [TextAsset(text=text) for text in datapoints]
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type: {data_type}, must be one of {RapidataDataTypes._possible_values()}")

    return self._create_general_order(

create_compare_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[list[str]],
    data_type: str = MEDIA,
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    confidence_threshold: float | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a compare order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order. (Will not be shown to the labeler)

instruction str

The instruction for the comparison. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[list[str]]

Outher list is the datapoints, inner list is the options for the comparison - each datapoint will be labeled.

data_type str

The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA.

Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

contexts list[str]

The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.

confidence_threshold float

The probability threshold for the comparison. Defaults to None.

If provided, the comparison datapoint will stop after the threshold is reached or at the number of responses, whatever happens first.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the comparison. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the comparison. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the comparison. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_compare_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[list[str]],
        data_type: str = RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA,
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        contexts: list[str] | None = None,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        confidence_threshold: float | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a compare order.

        name (str): The name of the order. (Will not be shown to the labeler)
        instruction (str): The instruction for the comparison. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[list[str]]): Outher list is the datapoints, inner list is the options for the comparison - each datapoint will be labeled.
        data_type (str, optional): The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. \n
            Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.
        confidence_threshold (float, optional): The probability threshold for the comparison. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, the comparison datapoint will stop after the threshold is reached or at the number of responses, whatever happens first.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the comparison. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the comparison. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the comparison. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    if data_type == RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA:
        assets = [MultiAsset([MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoint]) for datapoint in datapoints]
    elif data_type == RapidataDataTypes.TEXT:
        assets = [MultiAsset([TextAsset(text=text) for text in datapoint]) for datapoint in datapoints]
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type: {data_type}, must be one of {RapidataDataTypes._possible_values()}")

    return self._create_general_order(

create_free_text_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[str],
    data_type: str = MEDIA,
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a free text order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

instruction str

The instruction to answer with free text. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the free text - each datapoint will be labeled.

data_type str

The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA.

Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the free text. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the free text. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the free text. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_free_text_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[str],
        data_type: str = RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA,
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a free text order.

        name (str): The name of the order.
        instruction (str): The instruction to answer with free text. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the free text - each datapoint will be labeled.
        data_type (str, optional): The data type of the datapoints. Defaults to RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA. \n
            Other option: RapidataDataTypes.TEXT ("text").
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the free text. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the free text. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the free text. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    if data_type == RapidataDataTypes.MEDIA:
        assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]
    elif data_type == RapidataDataTypes.TEXT:
        assets = [TextAsset(text=text) for text in datapoints]
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type: {data_type}, must be one of {RapidataDataTypes._possible_values()}")

    return self._create_general_order(

create_select_words_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[str],
    sentences: list[str],
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a select words order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

instruction str

The instruction for how the words should be selected. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the select words - each datapoint will be labeled.

sentences list[str]

The list of sentences for the select words - Will be split up by spaces and shown along side each datapoint.

Must be the same length as datapoints.

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the select words. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the select words. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the select words. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_select_words_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[str],
        sentences: list[str],
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a select words order.

        name (str): The name of the order.
        instruction (str): The instruction for how the words should be selected. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the select words - each datapoint will be labeled.
        sentences (list[str]): The list of sentences for the select words - Will be split up by spaces and shown along side each datapoint.\n
            Must be the same length as datapoints.
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the select words. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the select words. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the select words. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]

    return self._create_general_order(

create_locate_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[str],
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a locate order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

instruction str

The instruction what should be located. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the locate - each datapoint will be labeled.

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

contexts list[str]

The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the locate. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the locate. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the locate. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_locate_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[str],
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        contexts: list[str] | None = None,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a locate order.

        name (str): The name of the order.
        instruction (str): The instruction what should be located. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the locate - each datapoint will be labeled.
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the locate. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the locate. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the locate. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]

    return self._create_general_order(

create_draw_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[str],
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a draw order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

instruction str

The instruction for how the lines should be drawn. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the draw lines - each datapoint will be labeled.

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

contexts list[str]

The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the draw lines. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the draw lines. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the draw lines. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_draw_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[str],
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        contexts: list[str] | None = None,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a draw order.

        name (str): The name of the order.
        instruction (str): The instruction for how the lines should be drawn. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the draw lines - each datapoint will be labeled.
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided, one validation task will be shown infront of the datapoints that will be labeled.
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the draw lines. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the draw lines. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the draw lines. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]

    return self._create_general_order(

create_timestamp_order #

    name: str,
    instruction: str,
    datapoints: list[str],
    responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
    contexts: list[str] | None = None,
    validation_set_id: str | None = None,
    filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
    settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
    selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
) -> RapidataOrder

Create a timestamp order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order.

instruction str

The instruction for the timestamp task. Will be shown along side each datapoint.

datapoints list[str]

The list of datapoints for the timestamp - each datapoint will be labeled.

responses_per_datapoint int

The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.

contexts list[str]

The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.

If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint) Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.

validation_set_id str

The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.

filters Sequence[RapidataFilter]

The list of filters for the timestamp. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.

settings Sequence[RapidataSetting]

The list of settings for the timestamp. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.

selections Sequence[RapidataSelection]

The list of selections for the timestamp. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def create_timestamp_order(self,
        name: str,
        instruction: str,
        datapoints: list[str],
        responses_per_datapoint: int = 10,
        contexts: list[str] | None = None,
        validation_set_id: str | None = None,
        filters: Sequence[RapidataFilter] = [],
        settings: Sequence[RapidataSetting] = [],
        selections: Sequence[RapidataSelection] | None = None,
    ) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Create a timestamp order.

        name (str): The name of the order.
        instruction (str): The instruction for the timestamp task. Will be shown along side each datapoint.
        datapoints (list[str]): The list of datapoints for the timestamp - each datapoint will be labeled.
        responses_per_datapoint (int, optional): The number of responses that will be collected per datapoint. Defaults to 10.
        contexts (list[str], optional): The list of contexts for the comparison. Defaults to None.\n
            If provided has to be the same length as datapoints and will be shown in addition to the instruction. (Therefore will be different for each datapoint)
            Will be match up with the datapoints using the list index.
        validation_set_id (str, optional): The ID of the validation set. Defaults to None.\n
        filters (Sequence[RapidataFilter], optional): The list of filters for the timestamp. Defaults to []. Decides who the tasks should be shown to.
        settings (Sequence[RapidataSetting], optional): The list of settings for the timestamp. Defaults to []. Decides how the tasks should be shown.
        selections (Sequence[RapidataSelection], optional): The list of selections for the timestamp. Defaults to None. Decides in what order the tasks should be shown.

    assets = [MediaAsset(path=path) for path in datapoints]

    for asset in tqdm(assets, desc="Downloading assets and checking duration"):
        if not asset.get_duration():
            raise ValueError("The datapoints for this order must have a duration. (e.g. video or audio)")

    return self._create_general_order(

get_order_by_id #

get_order_by_id(order_id: str) -> RapidataOrder

Get an order by ID.


Name Type Description Default
order_id str

The ID of the order.



Name Type Description
RapidataOrder RapidataOrder

The Order instance.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def get_order_by_id(self, order_id: str) -> RapidataOrder:
    """Get an order by ID.

        order_id (str): The ID of the order.

        RapidataOrder: The Order instance.

        order = self._openapi_service.order_api.order_get_by_id_get(order_id)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(f"Order with ID {order_id} not found.")

    return RapidataOrder(

find_orders #

    name: str = "", amount: int = 1
) -> list[RapidataOrder]

Find your recent orders given criteria. If nothing is provided, it will return the most recent order.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the order - matching order will contain the name. Defaults to "" for any order.

amount int

The amount of orders to return. Defaults to 1.



Type Description

list[RapidataOrder]: A list of RapidataOrder instances.

Source code in src/rapidata/rapidata_client/order/
def find_orders(self, name: str = "", amount: int = 1) -> list[RapidataOrder]:
    """Find your recent orders given criteria. If nothing is provided, it will return the most recent order.

        name (str, optional): The name of the order - matching order will contain the name. Defaults to "" for any order.
        amount (int, optional): The amount of orders to return. Defaults to 1.

        list[RapidataOrder]: A list of RapidataOrder instances.
        order_page_result = self._openapi_service.order_api.order_query_get(QueryModel(
            page=PageInfo(index=1, size=amount),
            filter=RootFilter(filters=[Filter(field="OrderName", operator="Contains", value=name)]),
            sortCriteria=[SortCriterion(direction="Desc", propertyName="OrderDate")]

    except BadRequestException as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Error occured during request. \nError: {e.body} \nTraceid: {e.headers.get('X-Trace-Id') if isinstance(e.headers, HTTPHeaderDict) else 'Unknown'}")

    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown error occured: {e}")

    orders = [self.get_order_by_id( for order in order_page_result.items]
    return orders